With everything that is going on in the world now it’s easy to feel alone and isolated from your friends. We need to maintain a physical distance from our friends but that doesn’t mean we need to distance ourselves from them in our relationships. It’s important now more than ever to stay connected and check in with everyone. Here are some simple ways that you can hang out with friends and stay in touch while keeping your physical distance.
Netflix Party
Using the chrome extension you can now watch Netflix at the same time as your friends! You can pause and start the movie or TV show at the same time so you can make sure you’re in sync with them. Check out the extension here: Netflix Party Chrome Extension
Dinner Parties via FaceTime
Have dinner with your friends over FaceTime. Set up your phone in front of you while you eat and it’s almost like you’re having friends over for dinner. Remember those good old dinner party days. If you’re looking for some nice chill background music, we would recommend our Burn Bright’s Chilled Music playlist on Spotify.
Do a YouTube Workout Together
Do an at-home workout on YouTube at the same time as your friends to stay active and social! The endorphins will make you feel great too. Our personal favourite is the Fitness Marshall. Check out his stuff here.
Online Gaming
There is no shortage of options when it comes to games to play online together and even if you don’t have a console like an XBOX or PlayStation, you can play multiplayer from your computer or phone too! Great way to check in with your friends and hang out for a bit.
Bake Off
Have a cooking competition over FaceTime. Set a dish that you are both going to prepare and get baking. See who can make it the best! Disclaimer: Baking means you may be incredibly tempted to eat your creation in the following days. We are not responsible for your eating habits. Also save us some 🙂
Do your best to check in with those around you who may be struggling and support them as best you can as safely as possible.